Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall Updates

Greetings Families!

Just a reminder there will be NO meeting on September 6th due to the Labor day holiday weekend. Instead we are participating in the GLBT Family Picnic hosted by Harmony Cafe's GLBT Partnership on Sunday, September 13th from 1:00-4:00 at City Park, Appleton. This special event is planned and staffed by the wonderful GLBT youth in our area for our benefit Please come for a fun afternoon of games, food and activities and get to know other families like yours!

This week marks back-to-school for many of us. Fall is a great time to reconnect with other LGBT families in the area and share and discuss the unique challenges of navigating the school system, fall toddler classes etc. as a unique family structure. If you haven't come to a meeting in awhile or have always been meaning to stop by, please do try and join us.

The remaining 2009 meeting dates are as follows:

Sunday, October 4th-- Last gathering at City Park until Spring.
We will have football and soccer for older kids.

Sunday, November 1st --Harmony Cafe, Appleton
Programming is open. Send me your ideas.

Sunday, December 6th--Harmony Cafe, Appleton
Holiday recycled gift exchange & kid crafts.

Special Outings...mark your calendars!!
  • Sunday, September 27th ,12:30: Apple Picking Picnic, Heritage Orchard, Chilton
  • Thursday October 8th, 6:30 PM, Parent's Night Out, Bowling, Beer and Burgers at the 10th Frame in Appleton
Additional info as the dates approach.

I would like to plan a community outreach/volunteer effort for Valued Families to do as well. Perhaps something around the holidays. Please send me your suggestions.

Have a great Autumn. Hope to see all of you soon.



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